This gives the children hope for a brighter future and to know that they too are loved. In doing this we also support the permanent caretakers by giving them an emotional and physical break which enables them to reboot and to continue caring for the children.
Forgotten is medical costs as most abandoned babies are found in critical condition. It is not possible to obtain medical aid for these children leaving safe houses and homes to cover the cost which most of the time is impossible. State hospitals are therefore utilised and not always the best option. Costs to run the children back and forth to the hospital are also critical. Medical items such as colonoscopy bags and medicines are costly. Bare necessities like baby formula, nappies, bum cream, food, clothing are used up extremely quickly with the number of babies, toddlers and children in need.
Always forgotten are the staff that commit 24 hours, every day of their lives caring for these abandoned children, always received by the homes in their worst state. These unforgotten heroes also need a break and need to be thanked and appreciated. Even in state hospitals children’s wards are overloaded and nurses are not able to give personal care to each and every child. Parents do not have the funds to travel back and forth to care for the children and so the children are left at the hospitals alone.
Above all the root of the problem is the young women in the townships who clearly do not have knowledge of their options regarding birth control. Those that are already pregnant and those that have already given birth do not have the knowledge and/or support to care for their babies in the best way possible. Even worse they do not have the means to care for their babies in times of ill health. In the affluent world there are many options… family, books, internet, Doctors, midwives, friends, money.
To give a new fresh of hands and love to abandoned children by showing them love as a parent would do by doing normal daily tasks, feeding, bathing, playing, putting to sleep and simply talking to these children. To collect items and goods essential to caring for these children. To package gift packages for new moms who do not have anything to care for their babies. To work with government on implementing a plan on how to assist educating young women on contraception options. To work with government in creating child care hubs in every township which will give new mothers access to educational training on how to care for their new babies. Possibly these hubs can also be used as baby sitting centres.